system to your Omnis application.
We’ll first have a brief look at the build in but very limited help
system that is part of a default Omnis distribution.
We’ll then look into how we can replace this default help library with
our own so that we can use Omnis’ handling of the F1 key and thus use
context sensitive help.
We’ll use this replacement library to look at 3 different sample
1) a help system build fully within Omnis
2) using a WIKI based help solution
3) using a Sphynx based help solution
In this session we’ll be looking at a few different ways to embed a help system to your Omnis application both within Omnis itself and interacting with external systems all hooking into the build in help handling.
system to your Omnis application.
We’ll first have a brief look at the build in but very limited help
system that is part of a default Omnis distribution.
We’ll then look into how we can replace this default help library with
our own so that we can use Omnis’ handling of the F1 key and thus use context sensitive help.
We’ll use this replacement library to look at 3 different sample implementations:
1) a help system build fully within Omnis
2) using a WIKI based help solution
3) using a Sphynx based help solution