
4 days / 20 talks
Awesome and great speakers

November 3-8

Jim Pistrang

Jim Pistrang has been immersed in the Omnis world since 1990. Prior to Omnis, Jim programmed extensively for IBM Mainframe, VAX and Macintosh.

Jim founded JP Computer Resources (JPCR) in 1992 developing custom applications and providing Omnis training, analysis, and programming for large and small corporations. He develops client-server, ultra-thin, and JavaScript applications, connecting to SQL Server, MySQL, OpenBase, Oracle, Postgres and other database servers.

Jim’s experience building web interfaces with Omnis spans a couple of decades including:

The original Omnis web client plugin
The ultra thin client applications
Over 10 years building an extensive Javascript client that
Is used by many employees on iPads
Has over 60 javascript client forms
Extracting and updating data from 300 Postgres database tables

Both sessions are designed to help understand a successful JS architecture, and where the various components can be used within the architecture. Each session will be accompanied by a heavily-commented custom-built Studio 11 library, available to all EurOmnis attendees, that illustrates the session details.

The JavaScript Architecture – A View From Studio 11

This session will explore the Studio JavaScript architecture, including testing, web deployment, and debugging. There will be available time in the session to explore Studio in unanticipated directions, following the lead of the attendees.

The JavaScript Components – A View From Studio 11

This session can be taken as a continuation of the JS Architecture session to explore various components and how to customize them to achieve your goals. It can also be attended as a stand-aline session.



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About workshops


You’ll sign up for the session you want to attend on a first-come, first-served basis. Up to 6 participants may attend a session, if full, you can sign up for the same topic at a different time. During the session, the speaker will guide the audience through the main topic but you will be able to ask him/her to deviate and cover related areas. Sometimes participants offer new ideas and solutions to a problem.

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Pursue any question or area not directly related to the core topic. Every speaker hosts at least 4 sessions which means there are about 11 to 12 simultaneous sessions running all the time with an average of 5 or 6 participants

Meet the Speakers

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Flexible conference format means you can choose the best classes for you and at the best time. Some sessions will be repeated, so when you miss one, you can attend the same session later in the day or the week.

Check the Schedule