Introducing newcomers to Omnis.
1: Startup, Hello world, connecting to database, menus, data types, table class theory.
The task and what it offers. Linking Omnis to the database. Enabling a User Interface starting with menus.
2: Windows, key window controls, row v list, window behaviour, drag n drop, table class practice. Extending the user interface with windows. Data entry, lists and grids. How to control behaviour of a window, fetching data from a database. Inserting, updating and deleting records. Extending the UI with drag and drop.
3: jsClient forms, key form controls, file upload/download
Examining the similarities and differences between windows and jsForms. Testing and using jsForms. Replicating insert, update and delete over the internet. The file control – uploading and downloading content.
4: Printing reports, print to screen, printer, disk, pdf
How to report in Omnis. The report class and its sections. Fetching records and reporting. Sub totalling. Changing text colour. Print from window. Print from jsForm.