Encourage more two-way communication and feel comfortable asking questions in smaller groups
Error Reporting and problem
Diagnosis using Sentry
Using Sentry and Nagios. Many of these tools are open source and mature — and it really makes sense to add them to your application stack, along with Studio as a development tool.
Postgres: improving performance and reliability of your data using techniques like stored procedures, database replication, arrays, triggers, optimizing studio for performance, background threads, and listen-notify (to avoid the perils of polling).
Studio 8 is a major milestone for Omnis and with it comes more enhancements that let Omnis connect with the rest of the software world. One such area is data visualisation.
Subwindows are very powerful objects. They are even more powerful than Tiger Logic would tell you in the manuals. With some inside knowledge, you can turn them into fully working widgets.
With just a few basic and easy-to-implement concepts we can leave the traditional file- or table based data organization behind, and enter the fantastic world of the DataUniverse.
Using Sentry and Nagios.
Many of these tools are open source and mature — and it really makes sense to add them to your application stack, along with Studio as a development tool.
Find out how to provide powerful interfaces for ad-hoc reports, projects, booking systems and schedules. To top it all see how the latest Brainy Data JavaScript controls have transferred this power to web-client development.
This session is for those who want to know the difference between built-in and custom notation, how to squeeze extra performance out of methods, what notation you can use in JS Client, or simply understand the structure, intricacies, pitfalls and benefits of notation within Studio 8.
Learn how to develop custom remote form controls using JavaScript such as rich content interactive result sets (no C++ required) and learn how to provide an optional design interface for your custom controls (C++ required).
Learn how to inject special data into Omnis reports, how to convert report data to custom formats, or simply how to add your own global functions and constants to the catalogue.
A 4 session programme to introduce newcomers to Omnis.
1: Startup, Hello world, connecting to database, menus, data types, table class theory
2: Windows, key window controls, row v list, window behaviour, table class practice, drag n drop 3: jsClient forms, key form controls, file upload/download
4: Printing reports, print to screen, printer, disk, pdf
Have you ever wanted to “brand“ your application on startup and other visual events with your own corporate logo? Removing all trace of TigerLogic from the customer’s attention? If so, this session is for you.
Many Omnis developers wonder how to implement a menu system into an Omnis JavaScript application and also control user or role based access rights. There is also a demand to have a popup remote form that allows the user to prompt for information while the main application is in the back ground.
How to integrate css + js based themes by developing small sub-windows as wrappers for the plethora of beautiful prefabricated date pickers, inline lists, multi-page list, multi-select lists, autocomplete fields, jQuery data tables, state of the art menus …
Smartlists executed on jsClient Convenient and fast
Local DB without wrapper.
A technique that allows you to state simply LIST.$update() and ROW.$insert() on the JSclient and its written into the local database on the JSClient (without needing a wrapper).
You’ll sign up for the session you want to attend on a first-come, first-served basis. Up to 6 participants may attend a session, if full, you can sign up for the same topic at a different time. During the session, the speaker will guide the audience through the main topic but you will be able to ask him/her to deviate and cover related areas. Sometimes participants offer new ideas and solutions to a problem.
Check the
Pursue any question or area not directly related to the core topic. Every speaker hosts at least 4 sessions which means there are about 11 to 12 simultaneous sessions running all the time with an average of 5 or 6 participants
Flexible conference format means you can choose the best classes for you and at the best time. Some sessions will be repeated, so when you miss one, you can attend the same session later in the day or the week.